Post-Partum Physical Therapy

Pregnancy brought many changes to your body that may not go away on their own. Now that you are no longer pregnant, you may be wondering, what’s normal for my body to experience? How do I get back to an active lifestyle safely? While your goal may be to lose your baby fat and return your body to pre-pregnancy form, it is important that you know when to start exercise; what exercises to do; and how to perform exercises correctly to maximize your recovery.


Initially after your delivery, it’s normal to feel some neck, back, bottom and pelvis pain sometimes. Whether you have a vaginal birth or a C-Section, your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles have been stretched and will take some time to heal.


  • On-going neck, back, bottom (pelvic floor) or pelvic/hip pain
  • Bulging in your abdominal muscles with movement or exercise.
  • The bulge may represent a defect in your abdominal muscles stretched by pregnancy called a “Diastatis Recti”
  • Leakage of urine or stool
  • Painful C-section scar
  • If you have any of these ongoing symptoms after your initial post-partum visit with your physician, it is not normal. Physical Therapy can help you eliminate your symptoms and maximize your recovery!


    Physical therapists are experts in helping the neurological and musculoskeletal systems in your body work together to maximize your ability to be healthy, pain-free and active. Your physical therapist will evaluate your unique concerns and problems to develop an individualized and safe exercise program to address your pain, posture and specific musculoskeletal changes in your post-partum body.

    Getting your abdominal, pelvic floor, back and diaphragm muscles to work together as your “core” to support your body is critical to a successful return to health.


    Physical therapy treatment may include any or all of the following including?

  • Extensive education and resources regarding your unique problems and concerns including postures to prevent pain during daily activities with your new baby including breast-feeding.
  • Exercises and bracing to help close an abdominal diastatis and maximize abdominal support and function
  • Pelvic floor rehabilitation for pain, incontinence and sexual changes after delivery
  • Postural restoration exercises for increasing the body’s symmetry, breathing and enhance your neurological systems’ functioning
  • Individualized strengthening, stretching and aerobic exercise program for home and in the clinic.
  • Manual therapy for joint and soft tissue restrictions including scar management for C-Section Scars
  • Modalities as adjunctive for pain management and soft tissue limitations including heat and ice use at home

    The therapists at Sandhills Physical Therapy have the expertise to evaluate and treat your individual concerns with your pregnancy. They have over 20 years of experience in helping women just like you during and after their pregnancy.

    Give us a call today:

    North Platte Clinic:
    624 W Leota
    North Platte, NE 69101
    (308) 534-5590
    Mullen Clinic:
    106 NW 1st St.
    Mullen, NE 69152       
    (308) 546-2306
    Ogallala Clinic:
    700 East 1st, Suite A&B
    Ogallala, NE 69153
    (308) 284-7333